Tota Fashion

by Sofija Šurdilović

Love counts

Soon it will be one year since I realized that a person can be a greatest medicine. A small person, the biggest change ever. I’m sure that all of you with nephews and nieces know what I’m talking about. Never imagined that I will love him this much. I’m sure that it also has to do everything with the fact that I have an amazing relationship with my sister. Something that words can not describe. And it has always been like that. It is impressive how different we are, extremely different actually, but still, matching so good. If doctors could prescribe a nephews instead of medicines this world would be the happiest place in the world. Being an aunt is mt favorite role so far, definitely!

Uskoro ce godinu dana od kako sam shvatila da osoba moze da bude najbolji lek. Mali covek, ogromna promena! Nisam mogla ni da sanjam da ce ovoliko da mi se uvuce pod kozu. Verujem da je ta silna ljubav usko povezana sa predivnim odnosom koji imam sa sestrom. Uvek je i bilo tako. Oduvek ekstremno razlicite a istovremeno savrsen spoj. Kada bi lekari mogli da umesto leka prepisu jednog sestrica ovaj svet bi bio mnogo srecnije mesto. Uloga tetke mi je definitivno omiljena do sada!

Jacket – Zaful

Boots – Gamiss

Photos – Marjan Nikolovski (Pticica photo)


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